
在改善他人生活的驱使下. 琼Breault, Class of 14G, works tirelessly to make a difference.


Dr. 琼Breault她早上六点半开门.m. 在她的办公室里安静地工作, waiting to hear the whoosh of the door signaling her first student’s arrival. On cue, Joan calls out “hello” and makes her way to the school’s entrance. 当他们跨过贝拉米学院的门槛时, 多佛的一所公立高中, 新汉普郡, 琼迎来了一群独特的光明, active students and begins to assess their needs for that day.

“Students at Bellamy Academy are all identified as having special needs and require an individualized education program,琼说。. “They all have a primary identification of emotional disturbance, 言语及语言障碍, 特殊学习障碍, 或者其他健康损害, 比如多动症.” Also, 贝拉米的学生通常都有创伤史, and all of them contend with the stresses of common teenage problems—peer pressure, 低自尊, 负面的自我形象, 冲突的预期, and more.

Responsibility for the success of these students is a considerable undertaking, 而是作为学生主任, 琼接受了挑战. “我命中注定要做这个职业,”她说. “这是一种召唤.”


几乎所有的U.S. students with disabilities are capable of graduating on time. 然而,他们没有. 描绘它们的成功是一个复杂的难题, one that involves assembling a network of support services to facilitate stability and academic achievement. “If students are struggling with a mental health issue or trauma, 他们没有专心学习,琼解释道.

贝拉米学院是学生的终极倡导者. Joan and her team of educators focus on creating an environment that supports students’ basic needs and educational goals. The Academy provides counseling services onsite and engages family and community organizations to meet students’ physiological and psychological needs. 有了更好的幸福感, individual education plans and innovative instruction are able to further students’ educational accomplishments.

“My goal with these kids is really prevention and success as an adult,琼说。. “你可以打破贫穷的遗产, 监禁, 缺乏成功, I think, 有良好的教育背景和良好的支持团队. That’s what’s going to give the kids the biggest opportunity post-high school.”


Seeking to develop more creative and effective approaches in education, Joan pursued doctoral study at Rivier and earned her Doctor of Education in Leadership and Learning in 2014, 她在少年司法工作了27年, 青少年心理咨询, 特殊教育.

Her dissertation examined engaged time in learning for students with emotional or behavioral disorders, tracking students’ on-task behavior during project-centered instruction as compared to traditional class instruction. 而结果因人而异, 75% of the students in the study responded more favorably to project-centered instruction.

Guided in great part by Joan’s leadership and dissertation research, Bellamy Academy teachers employ practices more compatible with their students’ individual learning styles.

“Since I took over, the culture of the program has changed,” Joan shares. “现在这个项目的方法更具治疗性, 而不是只关注学业和行为. We address the underlying needs of the students so that they can be present for instruction, 我们的教学策略更多地以项目为基础.”


The students also benefit from Joan’s “fill someone’s bucket” philosophy, instituted throughout the school to promote positive relationships and interactions. “Kids are so apt to put each other down, even if they’re friends,琼解释道. “I always remind them to be nice to their friends and to fill someone’s bucket rather than putting someone down. Find something that makes them feel good about themselves, and it will catapult them through the next hour or the next day.” Joan extends this practice to staff and parents as well.

添加小班, 实践学习, 积极的特殊教育工作者和咨询师, and strong peer support and the result is diplomas rather than dropouts.


在琼的内部驱动之外, 她的教育, 经验, and ability to empathize with her students’ circumstances have been key to her success. 在获得博士学位之前, she received her master’s degree in counseling psychology and became a licensed mental health counselor.

“This is a challenging population to work with,” Joan shares. “I think my 经验 as a mental health counselor is a huge component of how this program functions now. I also try to put myself in these kids’ shoes and really understand what it might be like to be them. 这会让你的心态从沮丧转变为同理心.”


Joan invests in building solid, caring relationships with her students and their families. The effort and journey with each can be exhausting, but there are moments that fuel her.

她指着桌子上方的一块白板, she says, “看到那块牌子了吗, “我爱我在这所学校的家庭.这句话是有一天我不由自主地写在黑板上的. 我有留给我的卡片. 最近,一位年轻女士对我说:“你知道吗. Breault, I just want to tell you, I appreciate you so much. 如果不是因为你,我不可能熬过去.’ You don’t get these every day, but when you get them, it propels you. 这很情绪化,因为这是一份辛苦的工作.”

Recognizing the growing need for adolescent mental health services, Joan envisioned providing counseling services outside of Bellamy Academy. “The wait time could be up to six months for kids to get services, which is why I could see starting my own private practice to help meet the needs of kids like these in the surrounding communities.” The pandemic’s arrival and accompanying stressors became the tipping point.

Joan launched her practice in June specializing in youth and young adult counseling. 除了她在贝拉米学院的职位, she sees private clients after school hours either in-person or via video sessions.

Joan’s drive to make a difference provides the best education and support to her Bellamy Academy teens and clients. 琼说:“很多人的处境都很艰难. “I can only hope we at Bellamy Academy and within my practice can alleviate some of the struggles for others.”